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Inital D gif lol

I am listening to eurobeat so this is whats in my head lol

Why I want you to start a blog

I've been reading through people's neocites diaries/blogs recently. (Some hightlights: bassproshop velvetblue ) I cannot really describe the feeling of what i would call imitmiacy you can get from reading someone's writing. It's of course not as in depth as being them, but it really feels like its as close as you can get. Learning about how other people live, interact, work, feel, its just a magical feeling. Whether its a sad or happy life, it feels like you start rooting for them, cheering at their success and feeling their sorrows. (dramaitc ik) Anyways, you should totally look at the sites at the bottom of my home page (unless i moved them lol.) So what I want is for YOU to write about your life. It should be about anything at all. If you went on a walk, ate food, built something, ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! I (and I think many others) take inspiration from these writings. And if you go through something hard, you help someone who is going through something as well. There is like 0 downsides. PLEASE WRITE!!! okkkk bye